Pasture | Collection Co–selection

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Jarosław Kozakiewicz


installation; wood, plastic, fabric; 75x80,5x80,5 cm

Although the piece seems to be humorous in nature, it addresses significant social problems that are of interest to the artist. Artificial grass that covers the entire top of a wooden table, and a herd of sheep, contrary to the laws of nature, are placed on the circumference of a perfect circle. The artificially created circle formed by the sheep does not resemble the way in which these animals usually graze; it is rather strange and artificial. The chairs on each side of the table suggest the presence of observers who might play a game or conduct and experiment. Undoubtedly, this is a metaphor for a particular social situation, probably not just related to sheep. What kind of situation might it be?

The order of sheep brings to mind discipline, oppression, or imprisonment. The question is whether this arrangement means that the animals have been subjected to direct, external orders, or whether they have chosen such an arrangement for some reason, hoping to benefit from it somehow. Are they following a designated path because of conformism, or have they somehow been forced to follow it? In any case, this quasi-pasture on artificial grass raises numerous questions about the imperceptible influence on the real, herd behaviour of society.

Jarosław Kozakiewicz creates sculptures and installations situated on the intersection of art, science, and architecture. He is primarily known as the author of extraordinary architectural projects, whose large scale makes them seem utopian in character. His work is inspired by contemporary ecology, genetics, physics, astronomy, and ancient cosmological concepts linking the micro- and macrocosm. In them, he references mechanisms that govern human behaviour and result from human imperfections and the inclination to do evil. He is a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where he runs the Interdisciplinary Design Studio at the Faculty of Design.